Mirillis Action 2.0.0
Download latest version of Mirillis Action 2.0.0, full standalone installer.
This is an cool app which can used for recording screen, capturing screenshot. This application has great UI which make it easy to use. This app is solution for recording audio as well as screen activity in HD quality.In this there are three video recording option. Second option will let you record your desktop activity which means you can watch your desktop activity at any time in future. It lets you record a specified area on your desktop. All you have to do is to set the region diamentions and then start recording and capturing. Another staggering feature is that you can record the desktop activity and then share it online instantly. In other words you can broadcast all your videos like desktop activities on different streaming mediums like YouTube. You can also share your recordings and snapshots on different social media sites like Facebook and Twitter etc. Another staggering feature of Action! is that it will let you record from two different webcams. All in all Mirillis Action! 2.0.0 is an awesome application which can record your desktop activity and allows you to share your captures on YouTube and Facebook etc.
System Requirements For Mirillis Action! 2.0.0
Before you start Mirillis Action! 2.0.0 free download, make sure your PC meets minimum system requirements.
Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10
Memory (RAM): 512 MB of RAM required.
Hard Disk Space: 50 MB of free space required.

Mirillis Action! 2.0.0 Technical Setup Details
Software Full Name: Mirillis Action! 2.0.0
Setup File Name: Mirillis_Action_2.0.0.zip
Full Setup Size: 17.9 MB
Setup Type: Offline Installer / Full Standalone Setup
Compatibility Architecture: 32 Bit (x86) / 64 Bit (x64)
Latest Version Release Added On: 07th Nov 2016
Developers: Mirillis Action Homepage